Document File(s)
Document Description
Published 2004-2010.
In 2002-2003, the UT System developed an integrated framework for System-wide accountability and performance reporting. The seventh annual Accountability and Performance Report was published in January 2011.
The more recent versions of the report included:
- “At-a-glance” views of trends for the System’s 72 key accountability indicators that emphasize outcomes aligned with System priorities.
- Analysis of critical topics exploring correlations among indicators on such topics as: affordability, student outcomes, progress toward diversity, R&D funding, and national rankings.
- In-depth, institution-specific accountability profiles with analysis of trends in comparison with institution goals and with peer institutions.
The UT System no longer publishes a single accountability report. Instead, the UT System Dashboard—supplemented by various policy and research briefs—provides current data, trends over time, and comparative benchmarking across a variety of metrics in support of better decision- and policy-making.
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Release Date
Responsible Office(s)
Institutional Research and Analysis
Document Type
Accountability and Performance