Student Success


"I've long believed that talent is distributed equally, but opportunity is not. The difference maker, the great engine of economic and social mobility that helps turn talent into opportunity, is education, and in the 21st century, especially higher education. To have the most opportunity, to get the best jobs in a knowledge-based economy and the ensure Texas is the leader in that economy, education beyond high school is essential."

J.B. Milliken, Chancellor, The University of Texas System
Perspectives on Texas, The Texas Tribune, 1/14/2019


Student Success is core to the mission of The University of Texas System, and the Office of Academic Affairs works with UT System institutions to ensure that students have the support they need to access and succeed in college.

In support of and in collaboration with UT System institutions, The University of Texas System Office of Academic Affairs works to advance student success across the continuum, preK-20, and in alignment with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board's 60X30TX Plan.

Learn More About Our P20 Work Learn More About Our Undergraduate Student Success Work


With their statewide presence, UT institutions annually award more than one-third of all undergraduate degrees in Texas and almost two-thirds of all health professional degrees. The UT System embraces the state's growing PK12 populationlargely comprised of Hispanic, English-language learners, first-generation, and lower-income studentsas critical assets for the state's continued educational, economic, cultural and civic vitality.

The Student Success work of the Office of Academic Affairs is organized around the beliefs that:

  1. The success of the students we serve has everything to do with the educational paths they take and life circumstances from which they come before arriving at our institutions.
  2. Every student counts once we enroll students, it is our responsibility to meet them where they are, and help them persist and graduate with high-quality degrees, prepared for life and work in a complex, globally interdependent world.
  3. Getting more UT System students to the finish line of degree completion requires broad, cross-sector coordination and collaboration across UT institutions, and with partners beyond the System.

The future is now in Texas. The state is a bellwether for how American secondary and post-secondary systems can best serve and meet the needs of students. In the UT System, the non-traditional student is the new traditional student, and the demographic profile of our undergraduate students represents what will be the reality for universities across the country in the coming decades.

On behalf of students across Texas and the UT System, the Office of Academic Affairs welcomes the opportunity to address gaps in access, opportunity and success, in collaboration with and in support of UT institutions.

Please direct questions and comments to Dr. Rebecca Karoff.


Learn more about the ongoing Student Success work at UT System academic institutions from the 2018 Chancellor's Council symposium panel titled Student-Ready, College-Ready.