Transmittal Forms

***This webpage and its associated documents are under revision.***
Easy Processing through OGC

If review by the Office of General Counsel will be necessary, get us involved early -- all legal work can be completed well before protocols are even approved.

Use of Transmittal Forms (Form ABCDEF, F/SoftwareGLQ)

Transmittal forms are required in some circumstances. Please review the UTS125 Processing Intellectual Property Agreements andUTS125 At-A Glance to determine whether a transmittal form will be required for your agreement.

Use of Forms B and D requires that you be sensitive to when changes to our standard form agreement (Form B) or a company universal agreement (Form D) are non-substantive.

  • Call/email any changes related to the four IP sections for quick feedback on whether a change is substantive.
  • If you have to use Form F, there should be no extra delay if you contact us early in the process.
  • Use Form G (Non-Conforming Agreements) when your agreement does not conform to the Board of Regents Intellectual Property Rule 90101.
  • Use Form L (Licensing Agreements) for institutional approval of Patent and/or Technology License Agreements.
  • Use Form Q (Sponsor-Initiated Clinical Trial Agreement) when your agreement is a Sponsor-Initiated Clinical Trial where sponsor wrote the clinical trial protocol and/or provided the drug.

Turnaround time for direct inquiries is usually within a few days, if not the same day. If you need an immediate answer, please advise us so we can arrange to meet your deadline.

These template forms are approved by the Office of General Counsel pursuant to UT System Policy UTS125 Processing of Sponsored Research Agreements. This policy provides the steps to follow to process sponsored research agreements. Using these transmittal forms will expedite UT System review and approval. OGC review is unnecessary unless substantive changes have been made in the new agreement. A standard contract form may be executed prior to submitting it to OGC for review and approval.

Form A Standard Research Agreement (SRA)

Form B SRA with Non-Substantive Modifications

Form C Company Universal Agreement (CUA)

Ford D CUA with Non-Substantive Modifications

Form E Renewal or Extension of Previously Approved Research Agreement

Form F Sponsored Research Agreement (Conforming)

Form F/Software (Use with Conforming Software Agreements)

Form G Non-Conforming Intellectual Property Agreement

Form L for License Transmittal (Use with UT System License or Option Agreements)

Form Q (Use with Conforming Sponsor-Initiated Clinical Trial Agreements)