Existing Ph.D. Program Review

Following the schedule established by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the UT System Office of Academic Affairs will review the reports pertaining to the external review of existing Ph.D. programs at UT System academic institutions. The external review process is intended to further strengthen the Ph.D. programs at UT System academic institutions and graduate education in general.

The original seven-year cycle for the external review of doctoral programs began in Fiscal Year 2013 and ended in Fiscal Year 2019. Starting in Fiscal Year 2020, the Coordinating Board moved to a ten-year review cycle for graduate programs.

Staff members in the Office of Academic Affairs review materials pertaining to the external review of Ph.D. programs only (i.e., not Ed.D.’s or other professional practice degree programs or master’s programs). As outlined in THECB Rule 5.52, each report should include a summary of the self-study, the full text of the external reviewers' evaluation, and the institution’s response to the external evaluation. A summary of the external Ph.D. reviews highlighting areas of strength or areas in need of attention are included in each President’s annual evaluation.

UT System academic institutions should submit Ph.D. program review documents to the Academic Affairs Proposal Intake Form. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Serenity Rose King at sking@utsystem.edu.